blueprint for change
This is where we begin. We will comprehensively review your current health circumstances, review all that you've learned from a variety of healthcare practitioners, and most especially delve into what your life is calling for now. I'll outline your situation in energetic and practical terms using both Chinese medical diagnosis and Western medical perspectives. You'll put on the table all that you wish to change. I will make recommendations for treatments, prescriptions and lifestyle choices to facilitate the changes you wish to see, sharing them with you in a document and a recording that you can save and use for the days to come. The Blueprint can happen online or in person. Every relationship begins with the Blueprint for change. The next step is a multitude of possibilities, some of which are included below.
You can fundraise for your retreat through eFundYourHealth using referral code retreatswithjosephine. Fundraising is a great way to share your inspiration and allow your community to participate in your healing journey.
“Josephine has been an ally and teacher since the very beginning of my journey with cancer in 2000. Her doctoring – herb, diet, acupuncture, and other prescriptions – has been enormously helpful. But there is something else … I feel present in the experience of the full range of my emotions. I feel calm because I am supported by an informed and expansive view of my situation. I feel encouraged and trusted to make the choices that feel right for me.”
one-to-one work: the vessel for change
One-to-one work in a retreat setting where more than a single hour is available, is the place where change on the deepest level becomes possible. When you receive the call from your body, a symptom, an observation or a diagnosis, the retreat vessel can be the one of the best places to integrate and process the call. Tailored specifically to you, such a vessel offers strong support and stimulation for energy and insight, while providing quiet, comfortable space and gentle care.
To enter the vessel of change, consider these questions:
What does health mean to you?
How will you know when you are healthy?
What do you wish to do before you die?
The process of change is continuous, but through conscious choice and inquiry, we can begin to harness the power of change to embrace our lives more fully no matter our circumstances.
Each person has a unique destiny, a unique curriculum for this life, this body. Drawing from the deep and vast resources of Chinese medicine and Buddhist meditation, treatments, prescriptions, and lifestyle applications created just for you will allow your innermost purpose and finest manifestation to come through whatever circumstances life has brought you.
Through frank and open exploration of all that you are and all your healthcare options, your choices become powered by connection, intuition and insight, rather than fear, doubt or anxiety. Even in the face of complicated diagnosis and many prescriptions, personal medicine is possible. The best medicine is always the medicine you choose.
In one day, 3 days, or 18 days, you can allow yourself to come to a full stop, allow the everyday cares and responsibilities of your world to be put aside, and, instead, create a focus on your next steps, your choices and your questions with regard to your health and life. Supported by in-depth evaluation and conversation, treatments, meals, movement and lifestyle innovations, each retreat is designed to meet you exactly where you are in all your unique and particular circumstances.
“Josephine has a way of focusing her attention to bring depth and clarity to the human experience like I have never encountered. This presence allows for the paradox of acceptance and transformation. I have learned how to trust my body’s wisdom and listen deeply to myself. ”
1-day intensive
In a day together, you get to dip yourself completely into the retreat environment. You'll receive treatment, a meal and an afternoon workshop designed especially for you. Like a quick shower, or a walk in a mountain stream, a day retreat can refresh your body and mind and prepare you to meet whatever is next with confidence and clarity.
3-5 day intensive
In 3 - 5 days together, we go deep into the lake of your being, connecting with your core and exploring your choices for your health and your life from the biggest view possible. These retreat days allow you to really slow down, and discover your own knowing in an environment where you can completely relax. You will be cared for with treatments, meals and workshops all created just for you. You'll be invited to enjoy both the inner and outer space of your being, while being exclusively cared for with medicine made from words, acupuncture, meditation practice, essential oils, food and love.
18-day intensive
18 days is a journey into the unknown together, on the river, through the jungle, into the forest. We go together, exploring what is possible, finding new vistas, all the while supporting your exploration with ample rest, space, meals, treatment, and the kind of conversation that can only happen in the space of extended retreat. 18 days allows a full cycle of reclamation or release, a process of bringing all that is asking to be acknowledged in the form of symptoms, diagnosis or emotional distress to a place where choices are infinite, transformation is inevitable and your own agency is clear. The 18-day journey is a unique offering that allows the full power of your own presence to manifest through the profound, age-old container of retreat
If you'd like to make a payment for the blueprint or a retreat, you may pay now using the adjacent button. Thank you!
Looking for help funding your healthcare journey? The eFundYourHealth community is there for you. Get started by creating a campaign on the eFundYourHealth website. Use referral code retreatswithjosephine to allow you to use your funds to pay for a retreat with me. It is a great gift to others to share your path!